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Directory Assistance - Page 16

Calling Directory Assistance | Time of Day

How To Call Directory Assistance

For numbers within or outside your area, dial:

1 + (Area Code) + 555-1212

For the telephone numbers of businesses and people who have "800" numbers dial:

1 + 800 + 555-1212

Errors in directory listings
The information contained in these listings has been prepared with great care, but we cannot guarantee that it is complete or in all cases correct.

If your listing is incorrect or omitted from this directory, please contact the Business Office. We will correct our records to assure that such an error or omission does not recur.

How to obtain directories
Additional directories or directories for other areas may be obtained by calling the Business Office. In some cases, a charge may apply for out-of-town directories.



TIME OF DAY......................................... Pioche Exchanges - Dial 962-5511 All other Exchanges - Dial 1 + 962-5511
operator male


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   � 2004 Lincoln County Telephone