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Doing Business With Us - Page 3

Optional Services | Directory Listing | Special Services | Data Services

Optional Services at an Additional Charge

Current rates and charges are available from your service representative. Call your business office.

The people of Lincoln Co. Telephone System want to provide you with telephone service that fills your needs. We are highlighting some of our most significant Optional Services that may be available in your area:

Touch-Tone Service (where available)
Push-button calling.

Nonpublished number   Your number is not in the directory and is not available through Directory Assistance.

Additional listings   A separate and distinct additional item in the telephone directory.

Reliable, efficient communications is our business. We want to provide you with telephone services that fill your needs. If you think one of the preceding Optional Services can help fill that need, or if you have a question about your services, please call us and ask for a Service Representative. We're here to help.

Directory accuracy
Every effort is made to keep the directory as accurate as possible. The Company, however, assumes no liability for damages arising from errors or omissions from the directory.

Directory listings
For each customer a listing is included in the alphabetical directory without charge.
Customers may arrange for additional listings under regulations applying to such listings, to be placed in the alphabetical directory.
Residence telephones advertised and used for business purposes automatically take a business rate.

Special Services

Call Restriction
Call Restriction is an optional feature that provides local calling but blocks any outgoing call that has a long-distance or premium charge. A business customer could place a phone in the employee lounge and not worry about unauthorized long-distance calls.

900 Call Blocking
900 Call Blocking allows you to block calls placed from your telephone to 900 services telephone numbers.

Number Referral Service
A free service which informs callers that your phone has been disconnected or, if you wish, informs callers of your new phone number. This service is available on your primary number for a 12-month period, or the duration of the directory, whichever is longer.

Voice Mail
LCTS Voice Mail is a service that allows users to send, store, and receive messages in the sender's own voice. Each user has a personal "mailbox" accessible 24 hours a day from any Touch-Tone telephone. Each mailbox is protected by a secret code selected by the user.

Data Services

• Frame Relay
Offered at either 64 Kbps or 1.5 Mbps, packet data can be transferred to multiple locations. Frame relay is a cost effective solution to your high speed data needs.
• DS1
In need of high speed, point-to-point data transmissions? Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. now has 1.5 Mbps rate available as a regular service offering.
• DS3
Customers who need up to 42 Mbps dedicated data service between two locations may have a service designed just for their needs.
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line allows residence and business customers to talk on the phone and at the same time be connected to their Internet Service Provider on a 'permanent virtual circuit' at speeds up to 1.5 Mbps.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode also known as Cell Relay Service is a high speed packet-switched transport service designed for unifying diverse traffic - data, image, voice, video over common facilities in fixed length cells.


next page...Deaf and Disabled Services


   © 2004 Lincoln County Telephone