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Doing Business With Us - Page 8

Consumer Responsibilities | 900 Services Consumer Rights

Consumer Responsibilities

Fraudulent callers are subject to prosecution
For your protection, new testing equipment and procedures enable Lincoln Co. Telephone System to detect and investigate fraudulent calls.

Persons using unauthorized credit card numbers or unauthorized telephone numbers to avoid charges will be prosecuted under Nevada Revised Statutes, Section 205.480 and may be subject to fines up to $5,000 and imprisonment up to ten (10) years.

Recorded calls require a beep tone
When you hear a "beep" tone at about 15-second intervals during a phone conversation, it indicates that the conversation is being recorded.  If you hear the "beep" tone and do not want a record made of what you are saying, ask the person to whom you are talking, to disconnect the machine.  When the recorder is disconnected, the signal is no longer heard.  Use of a recorder without a recorder- connector containing a "beep" tone warning device is contrary to Lincoln Co. Telephone System's tariffs and is generally not permitted unless the recording is for commercial broadcast purpose, or for police and fire emergency lines.  Unlawful wiretapping is subject to prosecution.
There are Federal and State laws prohibiting the unlawful interception and disclosure of the conversation of a telephone call.  Property authorized law enforcement officers may engage in interceptions without the consent of either party when proceeding under emergencies or court orders issued pursuant to the applicable provisions of federal law or Nevada State laws.
Under federal law, the penalty for illegal wiretapping can be imprisonment for five (5) years, a $10,000 fine, or both.  Under Nevada State law, the penalty can be imprisonment for up to six (6) years, a fine up to $5,000, or both.

Check your phone bill for accuracy
You should review your phone bill for accuracy when you receive it.  If you have questions, or find any discrepancies on your bill, contact your Business Office.

900 Services Consumer Rights
You should not be billed for 900 pay-per-call services not offered in compliance with federal regulations and laws.  The consumer rights below are provided under the Federal Telephone Disclosure & Dispute Resolution Act.  If you orally communicate an allegation of a 900 bill error via the telephone number on the 900 bill page, it will be considered sufficient notification of a 900 billing error.

For 900 billing disputes or inquiries, please call 811.  You have 60 days from the date of the bill to dispute 900 billing errors.  You have the right to withhold payment of the disputed 900 charges during the billing error review.  No collection activity for disputed 900 charges will occur while the charges are under investigation.  After investigation, if it is determined that the disputed 900 charges are legitimate, this carrier or the information provider may proceed with outside collections against your account.  Your local/long distance service cannot be disconnected for non-payment of 900 charges.  Failure to pay legitimate 900 charges may result in involuntary blocking of your access to 900 services.  Voluntary blocking of access to 900 services is available, upon request, from your local exchange carrier.


next page...How to Handle Obscene or Harassing Calls | Telephone Safety


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