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Doing Business With Us - Page 2

Telephone Rules and Regulations | Repair Service | Rates & Charges | How To Reach Us


The rates are for basic telephone service; in certain instances additional charges apply.  All services may not be available at all locations.

Residence service
     One party $ 11.78

Lifeline Service - Credit is available to qualifying customers. For information and application call 811.

Business service
     One party $ 16.23           Coin phone $ 17.68

No charge to disconnect service
There is no charge to disconnect service.  Call your Service Representative to disconnect your phone.  If you wish, charges can be stopped the day you call.

Charges To Install Or Change Your Service

The one-time charges to install or change your service may vary, depending on the type of work that is done.  Here is how we figure the charges:
Service order charge
Initial order .......................... Res. $15.00 ................................ Bus. $20.00
Subsequent orders ................ Res. $ 8.00 ................................ Bus. $ 8.00

You are charged for the processing of your order when you install or make changes in telephone service.

Central office line charge

..................................................... Res. $ 10.00 ................. Bus. $15.00
This charge is for the work we do to connect your line to our switching office.

Premises visit charge.................. Res. $15.00 .................. Bus. $20.00
this is the charge you pay when an installer visits your home.

Link-up Service - Credit is available to qualifying residential customers. For information and application call 811.

Telephone Rules And Regulations
Installation - One month rental in advance plus service connection charge.

A deposit may also be required.

Telephone bills are due and payable by the 15th of each month. Service is subject to discontinuance without further notice unless bill is paid within twenty calendar days after date of bill.

Subscribers will be held responsible for all toll calls originating at their telephone, whether made by themselves, their clerks or guests, and the Company does not obligate itself to have a call OK'd by the subscriber. For non-payment of any rental or toll charge, the service may be discontinued. Subscribers disconnected for Non-Payment will be required to pay a Reconnection Fee.

Repair Service Dial ......................................611

Trouble with your telephone set
Here are a few steps you can use to find the source of the problem.
Modular "plug-in" phones are easy to check.

operator If you have more than one phone unplug the one from which you first detected the problem.   Plug another phone into the jack and see if the problem still exists.   If it doesn't, the trouble is probably in the first phone.

If the problem is in the phone
Return the phone to the supplier from whom you got it, or follow the repair instructions on the warranty.

A Maintenance or Service Charge may apply
If you ask for a Lincoln County Telephone Repair person to be dispatched to your home or business and the problem is found to be in equipment or inside wire that you own, or lease from another company, you will be charged for the visit.

How To Reach Us

Business Office ..................................................... 811

Directory and Operator Assistance
TDD users only ................................................... 1-800-855-1155

Repair Service
Voice only .................................................................. 611



next page...Optional Services, Special Services, Data Services


   © 2004 Lincoln County Telephone