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Long Distance Calling - Page 21

Long Distance Dialing | International Dialing

Long Distance Calling
Outside Your Calling Area

Long Distance Dialing Instructions
Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. does not provide long-distance calling service between service areas or to other states and countries.  This service is provided by other long distance companies.

1. To place a dial-direct call outside your area code and service area using your "primary" long-distance company, dial:
       1 + area code + phone number
2. To place a dial direct call within your area code and outside your service area using your "primary" long-distance company dial:
       1 + area code + phone number
International Dialing
       Dial.............................................011 + Country Code + City Code + phone number
       Here's how you would call London, England direct dial:
dial london
To call Canada dial same as state to state calls.  When placing operator assisted calls or Credit Card calls*
       Dial............................................01 + Country Code + City Code + phone number
At the sound of the tone either enter your Credit Card number or wait for the Operator.
       *Some restrictions may apply for calls made to certain countries.

Company Code Dialing
Long-distance companies offer a variety of rates.   You do not necessarily have to use the services of your "primary" long-distance company.   Instead, you can use company code dialing.   Here's how it works:

Dial the 7 digit code *(101XXXX) of the long-distance company.   Then dial a "1" or "0", the area code and the long-distance number.   Your call will be routed to the carrier you have selected.
*X's represent the various long-distance companies' carrier identification code.

Greater Savings and Efficiency!
It pays to shop around and compare rates of various long-distance companies. Some companies will accept company code dialing without a previously arranged account.  For specifics, contact the long distance companies in your area.


next page...Long Distance Calling Rates Within The Northern Service Area


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